GES orders recall of suspended Sawla SHS students

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has directed Sawla Senior High School (SHS) in the Savannah Region to recall over 30 students who were placed on indefinite suspension last Wednesday.

According to the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District Director of GES, Anthony Kwasi Yeboah, the school lacked the authority to impose such a punishment.

Speaking to JoyNews, he stated that the headmaster had been ordered to recall the affected students immediately.

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“The students had already left when the headmaster and his assistant informed me of the suspension. I told them to recall the students because they had no authority to suspend them,” Mr. Yeboah explained.

He added that he would visit the school on Wednesday to engage management and ensure the students return to class.

The suspension followed an investigation by a seven-member committee into allegations of immoral behavior and possession of mobile phones.

Most affected students were second-year girls, but the decision was made without consulting the district or regional GES directorates or informing parents.

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GES’s directive came after Myjoyonline reported the suspensions, triggering further scrutiny.

The service has assured the public it will monitor the situation closely.

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