Former NSA deputy Director released after NIB arrest

Kwaku Ohene Djan, popularly known as Osonoba, a former Deputy Director of Operations at the National Service Authority (NSA), has been released following his dramatic arrest by the National Investigations Bureau (NIB), Newsnetgh has learned.

Ohene Djan was apprehended on February 22, 2025, in what eyewitnesses described as a “Rambo-style” operation.

Two pickup vehicles reportedly trailed him before officers moved in and whisked him away, allegedly to the NIB headquarters.

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His arrest fueled speculation, particularly regarding an ongoing investigation into allegations of ghost names on the NSA payroll.

As of midday on February 23, 2025, he was still undergoing interrogation, with details of his detention remaining unclear.

However, Newsnetgh has now confirmed his release from police custody.

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